New Things! (I’m a little obsessed with buying running gear)

New Things! (I’m a little obsessed with buying running gear)

Altra running shoes


Surprise! I bought yet another pair of new Altra running shoes. Am I obsessed? Maybe a little, but how was I supposed to withhold when Altra was having a 50% off sale! Since I first discovered Altra I have run the 2014 Wasatch Ragnar, my first marathon, and will be running the 2015 Wasatch Ragnar in just a few short weeks, so what should my new pair train for?


nuun hydration tablets


I also tried some new flavors of Nuun this week, and yes, I am now even more of a Nuun lover than before. If you have not yet tried the summer special watermelon flavor, you must, seriously. The other cool thing I discovered about Nuun is its ability to help me survive outside of just running.

I got a cold this week and with it came an uneasy stomach and lack of appetite…I decided to crack open one of my new flavors of Nuun one evening when my stomach was urky and I could tell I was dehydrated; because of the slight carbonation in Nuun I was able to drink the whole thing and it felt good and made me feel much better! Who knew? Nuun saved my butt again.





I also got a new flipbelt this week! Turns out washing them with gum in the pouch is a pretty terrible idea.

Luckily I was kind of in the market anyway because I wanted to try the next size down, so I was stoked to find this pretty neon orange one in the size I wanted!


What is your favorite gear? What items can you just not withhold from buying when they go on any kind of sale? And of course most importantly…what should I train for in my new Altras? I want to hear from you!